Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Battle of the worlds

World - 1
So which is a better ice-cream, Chocolate or butterscotch? Which is a better movie, Dabaang or Shanghai? Who is a better leader, Rahul Gandhi or Narendra Modi?, Which is a better phone, Samsung S3 or Blackberry?. You see there’s no absolute answer to these questions, each of us have a variety of preferences which are right and justified in their own right.

I happened to watch a debate on a popular news channel, 6 educated and high-achieving people were passionately discussing on “The institution of marriage”, some talked about the importance and sanctity of it, while others spoke of its futility.

The way I look at it ( and again I may be wrong !), such issues just can’t be argued and debated upon, simply because there’s no objective basis for the same. Some get married, some don’t, there’s no right and wrong there. Its a choice which every individual has a right to make without having to justify it.

World - 2
What is the speed at which light travels?, What is the chemical composition of water? How many infrastructure projects have been completed during the tenure of Mr. Narendra Modi as Chief Minister of Gujarat? What are the hardware specifications of The Blackberry Z10? In this world the answers to all of the above questions are absolute and undisputed. They are facts that everybody must concur with.

Recently, one of my friends linked me to a TED talk, Allan Savory spoke on how we can fight desertification and reverse climate change, when I say that those 22 minutes were jaw dropping I wouldn't be exaggerating. One reason why I really enjoyed it was because it was so factual and objective in its content. He presented a problem, provided a solution and showed proof to back it up. His research is self explanatory and undisputed.
That really added so much value to my knowledge base and opened my mind to a new subject which I was earlier completely unaware of.

If we just introspect a bit, we’ll realize that most of the conversations around us belong to World-1.We' re engrossed in discussing issues which are extremely subjective in nature and depend on individual choices and tastes. World-2, in contrast provides an alternative way to look at things, it provides an objective platform for people to talk and discuss issues without ambiguity and personal preferences. Its productive and precise.

Which world do you want to be a part of? That’s a choice after all.

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